Diving: a trip to the underwater Odesa

The popularity of diving, as an interesting pastime, is growing constantly. The discovery of clubs makes scuba diving more accessible to all comers. The main thing is that the skill level of divers and the training program meet international standards. In Odesa, specialized diving centers offer their services to tourists and vacationers.

Diving – extreme or entertainment?

The word “diving” comes from the English “to dive” (dive) and means any kind of immersion underwater. Depending on the equipment used for diving, diving is divided into subtypes:

  • Freediving – immersion in the deep spaces of the breath. For those who are just starting their acquaintance with diving, people-freedivers associate with super professionals. This technique allows you to use a mask, snorkel, flippers, but most importantly – breath holding. Experienced freedivers can dive for up to 10 minutes, the record is 11 m 35 s. Free diving gives the feeling of flying in the water space, calm, and the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of the underwater world.
  • Scuba diving – scuba diving, which among professionals is better known as SCUBA. This type of immersion reveals the unknown world of marine life and is the most common among holidaymakers.
  • Professional diving – diving.

There is also such a thing as “recreational diving” – swimming underwater for recreation. At the seaside resort, beginners are offered a simplified version of SCUBA diving, with preliminary preparation and the accompaniment of an instructor underwater. In addition, several training systems have been developed for diving, based on the passage of certain stages. At the end of the program, the diver receives a special certificate.

Required equipment

The process of immersion can not occur without special equipment:

  • wetsuit;
  • flipper;
  • masks;
  • compressed air tank.

This is the minimum set, although additionally gloves, underwater watches, and depth gauges can be used. Professional clubs and centers of South Palmyra have everything you need to dive. If you wish to purchase a wetsuit and accompanying accessories yourself, then it is better to choose from specialized stores. For example, on Osipov 42 the shop “Poseidon” operates, where you can buy all the necessary equipment. And in the eponymous club “Poseidon” you can take a training course in diving in the Black Sea based on the international SSI system. The methodological material is updated constantly, which guarantees getting the latest knowledge, and techniques that will help the diver feel confident underwater.

Experienced instructors will tell you how to use the equipment and familiarize you with the safety regulations. The first immersion occurs only in conjunction with an instructor who monitors the behavior of a person underwater, and his condition. The club often holds promotions and offers certificates at a discount, where the cost of a test dive is about 800 UAH. But going to sea in the Gulf of Odesa to the place of sunken ships will cost more – $ 50, and equipment is paid extra. The tour takes place on weekends. At the same time, the club will help to organize a trip for scuba diving in such areas as the Galapagos Islands, the Maldives, the Red Sea the Mediterranean, Mexico, and others.

Contraindications for diving

The list of reasons that may impede a deep dive includes:

  • diseases of the ears, throat, nose, eyes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • asthma;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • aneurysm;
  • pregnancy.

Medical contraindications include alcohol/drug intoxication. It is worth noting that the sea is an unusual habitat for humans, therefore there are many more dangers. Even if you are able to swim, being underwater “buoyancy control” will require considerable physical costs and a balanced psycho-emotional state. Panic is the first enemy of newbies. Therefore, be careful of the diving site, do not dive in the rocky terrain, at night and without an accompanying person. Savings in this sport can lead to tragedy, so please contact only professionals.

Diving clubs in Odesa

The fact that diving in Odesa exists and develops is evidenced by the presence of a number of diving clubs. For example, on Odesa Beach Langeron, near the dolphinarium “Nemo”, is located the eponymous diving school “Nemo”. Its uniqueness lies in the process of learning diving, which occurs with dolphins. Vacationers expect qualified masters of the international system SSI, and the schedule of lessons is selected individually. Diving training is available for children (from 8 to 12 years old), as well as for adults (over 12 years old). The educational process consists of three main stages:

diving in the pool (at least 5 lessons);
scuba diving in the sea (at least 5 lessons).

Further, if desired, additional courses are possible. The cost of diving with dolphins for one person is 3000 UAH. The price is quoted for 3 hours, which includes: preparation, training, instruction, and at least 30 minutes of scuba diving.

“O.K.ean” is another diving center where you can fulfill your dream and undergo training in the basics of diving under international systems. In addition, professionals are engaged in organizing diving in Odesa and conducting seminars and trainings. Among the exclusive worth noting training:

  • different styles of movement;
  • buoyancy;
  • underwater fighting and against obstacles;
  • technical search using special equipment;
  • dir-diving

AquaMam is a diving center where you can take a scuba diving trip for as low as 550 hryvnia in 1.5-2 hours. The price includes a preparatory process with the development of the theory familiarization with equipment, and immersion with an instructor until the oxygen cylinder is fully consumed. For an additional fee (+50 UAH per person) you can order the service of underwater video shooting. Already experienced divers have the opportunity to explore sunken objects and excursions in the underwater museum. The process of training and maintenance underwater occurs only with the participation of professional instructors of the international standard PADI.

Laboratory of underwater technology – the company of professional divers offers an extensive range of services, from training holidaymakers to large-scale expeditions. The Cousteau School is engaged in diving, free diving, and underwater hunting. Instructors will help to master various techniques of diving underwater and will teach the basics of diving safari. The school is located in the center of Odesa, where there is everything necessary for learning: equipped classes, a swimming pool, swimming equipment, and a compressor room. Organized by guys and underwater studies of sunken ships on the Black Sea coast. Upon request, professional divers will conduct video and photography and will mount the whole video. The laboratory has all the necessary equipment.

If you leave from the center of Odesa, then you can go diving outside. For example, the St. Andrew’s Flag Club (Chernomorsk) is located 25 km from Odesa and offers its services in scuba diving, photo, and video. Instructors work on the international systems of learning diving PADI, NAUI, and SSI. The main activity is the study of historical events related to the sea. But during the tourist season, the club invites all amateurs and professionals to go diving in the Black Sea or try wreck diving.

Diving in Odesa is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the underwater world of the Black Sea, to experience previously unexplored impressions, to “hear” the sea, and to see its beauty.

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